Monday, July 14, 2008

First Week in China

I find myself having a love-hate relationship with China. Yet, I believe most of the frustrations I've experienced are just from being overheated while in extremely crowded tourist areas.

The best example was definitely while visiting the Great Wall. All of the American, Australian and English interns were brought there Saturday around noon time. Since it's China's most famous attraction it was like being at Disney World during peak season.
So obviously Mexico decided it was the perfect time to let their president visit the Wall. For his security, they decided to close the entire wall so he could walk around and take in the magnificence of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, while the rest of us baked and trampled each other in a tiny enclosed space. We waited almost an hour for the president to leave before they would let anyone else up. It was 95 degrees and absolutely sweltering. People were dropping like flies. And then it happened. A little Chinese girl about 9 or 10 years old got sick...all over my foot. Naturally, her mother used this opportunity to push herself and vomitting child to the front of the line as everyone else backed away in disgust. What little water I had left I used to wash the nastiness off my toes and sandals. Other than that, the Great Wall was definitely one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. It can only be described as stunning.

The language barrier hasn't been too much of a problem. Many Chinese learn English in school and are more than happy to help western visitors find their way around. I've picked up some useful phrases as well. My roommate Sandie and I have become friends with the employees of a pizza place right next to campus. Since we eat there almost everyday, the workers help us with our language skills.

Olympic job training starts Thursday and I can't wait! The architecture of the stadiums and venues is incredible. today had pictures of all the major venues...I suggest checking them out...they are definitely something to see.

Overall, I'm adjusting pretty well to the culture. Most importantly I haven't gotten sick (knock on wood). I know my parents would have been proud to see me eat a few types of fish this week too (none of which I enjoyed).

I'll leave you with two important facts about China: the karaoke bars are second to none. And everything either symbolizes longevity, ambition or "follow your dreams". I swear its true.
Stay tuned to hear how Olympic job training goes haha...


Mike McD. said...

Great to see you're having fun Catie Miss you and stay safe

Unknown said...

Hey Catie, We have been thinking of you. You look great. Have fun and be careful. We love you, Shannon and the Cleveland gang

Anonymous said...

haha i love the pics you put in there. im also impressed by your writing skillZ. it kills me that you got barfed on by an asian kid.
if you end up with any volleyball questions, let me know!