Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Getting Ready For China

I was encouraged by a couple of professors to create a blog. Not only do blogs allow me to practice writing skills, but it's a great way for my family, friends, and those who helped finance this trip to stay up to date with my progress before, during and after I head overseas.

I'm into my third month of Mandarin lessons. I'm just now starting to comprehend the basics. Most importantly we learned how to ask for directions to a bathroom and how to order a beer. All kidding aside, I have learned how to ask for help, directions, and various other essential questions.

On the journalism side of things, I was recently reassigned to men's and women's indoor volleyball. I don't know a heck of a lot about volleyball, but I'm sure I'll be well versed by the time August rolls around.

School is ending in just a couple of weeks. I can't believe I'm going to be a senior! Where does the time go?! There really isn't much else to report. I'm sure I'll have some great material for this blog once I get over to Beijing. I'm anxious to see how well I'll adjust to chopsticks and squat toilets.

Talk to you soon.


Unknown said...

Hey Catie, So excited for you. Have a safe and fun trip. Look forward to your blog. Love you, Shannon

Mom said...

Hi Catie!
This is a great idea! It's a wonderful way for us to stay connected. Love you tons! Mom

Megan said...

Soooooo Catie, I heard that you were leaving this summer.I wish my sister was, so I didn't have to deal with her. Have a great time withoout me:(.love Megan

Megan said...

Hey Catie, So excited for you! We'll keep you updated on the Red Sox so you can feel a little at home while you're away! We love you Cate!! Love, Aunt Mary

Kathy Librarian said...

Hi Catie: I am enjoying reading about your China experience. The pictures are awesome! Stay safe and have fun! Aunt Kathy

Mom said...

Hey Catie!
Everyone is enjoying your blog...please keep us posted! I miss you but know that you are having a great time. I love you soooo much! Mom

Unknown said...

Hey Catie, Love your blog. You must be having the time of your life. Molly says she will be looking for you, while we watch the games!! hee hee
Love, Shannon