Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Staying Fit in the Season of Beers and Burgers

Finally. Summer is here. Cold beers, hot beaches, cheeseburgers and daiquiris. So tasty, so fattening. I'm kind of writing this as a guide for my parents, who I'm helping to get in killer shape this summer, but also for everyone out there who struggles to stay thin during the summer.

(Let's be honest, Matthew McConaughey has the best beach body EVER.)

Of course this is "the season of beers and burgers", where one might give some slack to their diet because "there's nothing healthy at the cookout" or "I'm on vacation". The classic excuses for summer weight gain. If you're going to eat and drink whatever you want during the Saturday afternoon parties throughout June, July and August be aware your poor choices on the weekend could lead to a nice "beer gut" or "spare tire". But it's your healthy choices during the week that allow you to partially fall off the healthy bandwagon come Friday after work.

Here are some of my top tips for staying fit this summer:

Salads galore: Eat your greens! Numerous studies have shown that leafy greens and making a salad the main course for your meal is one of the most health conscious decisions a person can make. If you plan to have a few burgers or barbeque chicken at your neighbor's graduation party on Sunday, try making meat the side dish and a salad the main course for your dinners Monday-Friday. Trust me you won't be packing on as many pounds if you cut back on your meat consumption during the weekdays. Also, iceberg lettuce really doesn't have much nutritional value, instead go for the darker greens (generally, the darker the green the better it is for you).

Fruits and Veggies: The summer is the perfect time to get into the habit of eating lots of fruits and veggies. Most of them are in their peak seasons and taste delicious. Try snacking on a piece of fruit in between meals, or packing celery or carrot sticks for a treat at work. Take advantage of the delicious foods Mother Nature provides for us (at cheap prices too if you buy them at farmer's markets)!

Fat free milk: I know a lot of people can't stand skim milk (like my dad), but the trick is to ease yourself into it. When I was a little kid my parents gave me whole milk. As they realized you can receive all the same nutrients with less fat in the 2 percent and 1 percent versions they slowly converted to low-fat milk (and by slowly I mean it took a few years to transition). When I went to college I made the personal decision to switch from 1 percent to skim milk. Now I wouldn't go back. Even 2 percent is too heavy and creamy for me. By making the switch to skim milk you are giving your body a nutrient lift and calcium supplement without a lot of calories and fat.

GET OUT AND EXERCISE!!! Let's face it; the northeast doesn't get a lot of warm weather. We are stuck inside for nearly 9 months. Take advantage of the warm sunshine and natural beauty by hiking, walking, jogging, biking, rollerblading, etc. The point is to enjoy your surroundings while you exercise; it makes it much more tolerable. Better yet, find a buddy to go walking with and you won't even realize how hard you are working while you chat away. Don't waste these limited days of sunshine!

(Heidi Klum is nearly 40 and has given birth to three children and has maintained that body. My idol.)

If you want to stay fit in the season of beers and burgers remember you can't gorge on the weekends and then starve come Monday to make up for it. A healthy balanced diet goes a long way. And you'll find by eating healthier, the exercise comes easier, and the pounds shed quicker. (Here's a good article to check out if you are still skeptical http://exercise.about.com/od/plateausmotivation/a/enjoyexercise.htm).

I'm well aware it's easier said than done. But I'm also a big believer in not making excuses. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "it's easier for you because you're young," or "I don't have enough time." Why are you telling people this? Enough with the B.S.! I know that's harsh but it's true. This goes hand in hand with the "I don't have enough energy" excuse. Well energy is a mixture of healthy eating and exercise. The less of those two things you do, the less energy you have. Therefore, that is not a good excuse to use. Trust me I see right through B.S., and I've come to learn that excuses are what's making this nation so overweight. Let's stop the madness!

Staying fit isn't about dieting. It's not about exercising eight hours a day for one month or starving yourself. Getting in shape is a lifestyle. Take the time to make a healthy choice, go on a walk and enjoy being outdoors this summer. If you struggle with all of it just remember willpower comes first, motivation follows.

If you need any help or would like some more tips for getting healthy this summer, please leave me a few comments and I'll be sure to get back to you! Thanks for reading my rant!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

25 Days Till Graduation, Warm Weather, Sox, Celts and Bruins in the playoffs...Life is good.

A lot has happened since I last posted on this blog. But not really. Eight months have passed since I returned from the Olympics and I'm back to being an average college student 25 days from graduation.

I got into all four graduate schools I applied to...each one in a different corner of the United States. I'm sure my family was thrilled about the prospect of me moving 2000 miles away from home. But I'm tired of the cold weather and I need a change of scenery. If Boston had summer weather year round, I'd never leave. Boston in the summertime is a wicked pissah.

I've been spending a lot of time contemplating what this blog will be about. My life is not nearly interesting enough to enthrall throngs of readers, so I'll probably focus more on Boston sports (Sox, Bruins, Celtics, Pats, etc.) and give you my brilliant daily/weekly take on those teams. I'm the next Bill Simmons. Not. I just a 22 year old sports nut with a journalism degree and no job. And I'm a firm believer in getting more knowledgable women into this field. I take great pride in showing men up in sports trivia. Is that why I don't have a boyfriend?

Sox are rolling as of late but much like every year I was disappointed in their less than stellar start. Ortiz always begins slow, but notice how he went opposite field twice yesterday in the first game of the doubleheader, a sure sign his bat is coming around.

Brad Penny may have won the night cap...but I'm still not impressed. Maybe I'm bitter my boy Bucholz is stuck in Pawtucket. I know Penny is money (haha) but let's not bow down before him because he threw six innings and gave up two earned runs. He needs 15 wins this season to gain my trust.

As for the Celtics, the loss of Leon Powe is really going to hurt. We're down to three solid big men and wasteful thinking that Doc is playing mind games with us and Garnett will return any day now...please? A far cry from reality.

I'm not worried about the Patriots on Draft Day. Remember two years ago when everyone was up in arms that Belicheck traded away a second and fourth-round pick? Oh that's right, we got Randy Moss and Wes Welker in return. Let the most brilliant man in football work in peace please. In Belicheck we trust.

Predictions for the week:
Celts defeat Bulls in 7...despite the fact D. Rose is the new MJ.
Sox sweep Yanks over the beautiful and warm weekend (brawls may ensue)
Bruins = La Coupe Stanley.
Patriots = Tom and Gisele double date with Youk and gold-digging wife.